Friday, September 3, 2010

Exchange your sexual partner

Exchange your sexual Partner

Did you ever fantasy about having sex with Marilyn Monroe, Brat Pitt, Angelina Jolie or maybe simply your neighbour? Do you wonder how it would be to have sex with sombody else as your normal Partner? If you say yes, this file will be the perfect match for you. Listening to this recording will install a trigger into your mind. You can use this trigger whenever you have sex with your normal partner, simply by saying or just thinking to yourself: "Change my partner now" and choose the one you fantasy about. Whenever you trigger yourself, your normal partner will transform into the one you would like to have sex with. You will see the face, the body, the hair of this new person, this person will smell, act, feel like you imagine they would. The more you listen to this file, the more your ability to imagine other people will grow. Until you finally are able to choose one for this night and another for the next. It will be impossible to call your real partner by a wrong name, so you are always safe to trigger yourself. So you can experience sex with others without any risk for your relationship. And as long as you don´t tell your partner what you are doing, they will never know. You can`t do it outside of sex, but you can do it in the early stage of it, even if you just start kissing, or at any time in the act.

When you are done, your partner will transform back to normal.

you can find that file here:

Femdom erotic hypnosis
SAMBAS Website